Tuesday, March 29, 2011

~hands of our first born

Today's post is one that is dear to my heart,
 in more ways than one.
A new love has been found later in life, photography.
The past six months has been a fun adventure for me, as I have attempted to capture sights,
you know those like, "I wish you could have seen it", to share with others.
 The thought of me looking through a lens and clicking
seemed impossible.  But, what joy has been found in this new learning experience.
This shot was taken a couple of weeks ago,
as I watched Clancy, our oldest, fishing
 with his brother & uncle.
The time spent together priceless!
When I found the Trendy Treehouse Blog
and today's theme for Shutter Love Tuesday
was HANDS, I knew I had to link up.

 I am linking to Shutter Love Tuesday.
My first photography link up!
Click & enjoy looking at all the wonderful shots
the others have captured.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


Erika B said...

Hands at work...such a great capture.

Erika B

Jessaca said...

Great capture!!

At The Picket Fence said...

Hi Karen! I missed your first post back after your trip but I was so thrilled when I saw this one pop up. You definitely have the talent and the "eye" for beautiful photography...especially when the subject matter is dear to your heart.:-)

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

You sure did capture his hands...just awesome. And look how talented you are...your husband made a very good investment when he bought that camera...continue to learn and have fun.
Blessings...glad to see you back.

PAINTORDIG.blogspot.com said...

Missed you. Love the photo. I am like you I discovered photography about a year and a half ago and I am addicted.

Jana Endris said...

Karen, you are a great photographer. I am always admiring your pictures. It's a dream of mine to own a better camera one day. So happy that you are posting again!

Trish said...

What a precious photo...I just love it! My oldest daughter is the photographer in our family. I will have to tell her about Shutter Love Tuesdays!

thatgirlblogs said...

I remember my brother doing just the same with my dad and his best friend. Important days, for sure.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

What a beautiful shot. Your camera skills are amazing. Would you mind sharing what camera you use? I often wonder if it's the camera's we use our skills or both. hugs ~lynne~

Carley said...

This is absolutely beautiful! I love this idea I am going to have to scrapnap this and make a scrapbook layout like this! This is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing!