the sun rose after we had dressed for the day
not only our clocks, but our bodies were not on the same time
the roosters were crowing and the smell of wood burning
was already in the air
sharing HIS love comes from overflowing hearts
our mission team spent time in prayer and worship,
before leaving for our first visit to a village
what heart-warming captures that are mine to treasure
her heart is one devoted to ministry and to the people
as she works alongside her husband
she is such a gracious hostess
they were already gathering on the front porch
of this home when we arrived
their place to gather for weekly worship
it was amazing how far they walked
or rode a horse to the weekly worship service
waiting with expectant hearts
to sing praises
to hear words of encouragement from the LORD
physical needs met for as long as she can make it last
to be shown love
have pictures taken
and to allow this girl (me)
who had traveled all the miles
have 1 Samuel 16:7
become real to her
it took this first village
and all the smells and sights
to have my vision changed ~
"for the LORD sees not as man sees;
for man looks on the outward appearance,
but the LORD looks on the heart.
from a heart still seeking to keep HIS vision,