...the aroma was heavenly...
...no need for this...
I'm sure some prefer
do you eat yours with salt?
...memories from long ago...
Daddy would hold & tilt
I would drink the juice to my heart's tummy's content.
This is my nephew's son.
My dad would have enjoyed him so much!
Simple Pleasures
Sweet Juicy Watermelon
Sweet Precious Memories
Sweet Baby "Elbow Sugar"
I'll be joining the others on Thursday
for Simple Pleasures.

Just bought a Smith County watermelon, can't wait to try it.
Thanks, but no salt for me. Oh, and the heart of the melon is my favorite! Your pictures are beautiful. How have ya been?
Oh yes, watermelon... (and I like it with salt.)
Your nephew's son is such a cutie!
Your great nephew is very precious! I love watermelon!
A sweet,cold slice of watermelon is so refreshing.No salt on mine.
What a cute little guy!! I love watermelon and remember as a child having the juice drip down my arms and having a big belly from it.
What wonderful and evocative pictures! I think your tummy AND heart were both content when you had watermelons with your dad. After going back again to have another look at that sweet little boy, I just noticed that he is leaning on a watermelon!! What wonderful watermelon memories, past and present.
That looks so tempting .... your nephew is adorable.
Watermelon is a real symbol of summer.
That watermelon looks yummy! We got our first one yesterday and I can't wait to cut it!
beautiful baby boy and I love WM and eat mine with salt, hubby says i ruin it. he likes his cold i like mine room temp
You know you caught it...that is why I enjoy watermelon so much...such memories! Now they tell us all the nutritional value in watermelon, but growing up, spitting seeds, juice dripping down my arms...to me it taste great and brings back so many memories.
The watermelon looks delicious and the baby is precious!
So glad you came to the party, Karen. Your photos are magnificent, and watermelon is one of my favorite summer eats. I think it was Mark Twain who said when you've tasted watermelon you know what the angels eat. :) Your little nephew is a cutie pie.
We must be thinking alike today...all the watermelon goodness. Love that sweet little guy there..so cute! :D
Yep! Salt is required on my watermelon and cantaloupe. My family thinks I am crazy but that's the way I've always eaten it. Maybe it's a southern thing. :) Your nephew is adorable. Blessings, Tammy
salt on watermelon??? love the part that your dad would tilt it for you to drink....awesome memory
Mmmmmm. That looks so refreshing. What lovely memories you have of your Daddy with the watermelon!
I never tried it with salt but it sounded good. Susan
Ahhhh. I just finished one that looked like that this morning. We threw what was left (which wasn't much) to our chickens who LOVE a cool treat.
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog.
I am your newest follower. :o)
Have a blessed day!
My hubby loves watermelon with salt. Me, not so much. Precious memories of your daddy. Thanks for sharing them. and thanks for your visit. blessings, k
I didn't know that salt was ever taken on watermelon. I can't imagine that. Beautiful photography!
So funny, I just told my husband before I went to your blog, there is some watermelon left in there I am going to get some! I use salt I think it makes it sweeter. So many wonderful summer memories around watermelon isn't there? Thanks for stopping by Behind the Gate and for a visit today.
Beautiful images in word and photos!!
Your nephew's son is gorgeous - what a lovely photo of him!
Hi Karen,
Love your photos, and the little guy is gorgeous. Must try salt the next time I have watermelon...thanks for the tip.
God Bl;ess
Barb from Australia
Your pictures are beautiful... and so are your loves.
Blessings, Debbie
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