Friday, February 8, 2013

Temporary Moments ~

Distractions mean we are in the mode
"I don't have time for this"
our focus may have the wrong perspective
we are full speed ahead
and waiting is not in the picture

When our pace slows
as sand through an hour glass
there are less interruptions.
Our view of interruptions
shifts to "opportunities gained".
What can I learn from this bump
in the road?
Lord, where are you taking me?
Maybe, distractions are
his way of slowing us
to gain a new perspective.
To seek His wisdom
to learn total dependence.
Heart-thrilling to Jesus
for us to cry out "I need you!"
Even more than once a day
Distractions  ~
His way of slowing our pace
and gaining access to you? 
It is an eternal perspective
that changes the way we live our
 temporary moments. ~Steven McAbee